
人生的道路可能令人畏惧,充满不确定性, 尤其是在大学期间, so we have set up this page as a guideline to help you on this journey.

探索 的 information below to help you map out your career goals 和 navigate 的 path to reach 的m successfully! We broke everything down with recommendations for each school year to help you plan your current year 和 的 years ahead.

The most important task during 的 first year is to become active in 的 career 规划过程中探讨以下内容:

  1. 职业服务
    • Begin by becoming familiar with career 和 testing services staff 和 resources, 和主管谈谈你的职业目标.
    • 注册 握手 -一个网上招聘和网上简历系统.
    • 检查 新生职业规划清单.
  2. 自我探索与评估
    • 利用电脑职业指导程序 关注2 检查你的兴趣, 技能, 和 值 while learning about a variety of occupations/career paths.
    • Take a career interests assessment (Strong Interests Inventory or Myers Briggs Type Indicator) offered at 的 career services center.
    • Discuss your career interests with parents, family, friends, 和 o的rs who know you well.
  3. 大学及专业
    • Get to know 和 meet regularly with your academic advisor to discuss your career plans.
    • 探索 专业与辅修. 你也可以参加秋季专业/未成年人博览会.
    • 成为 我熟悉MG冰球突破试玩 在线课程目录 描述课程设置.
    • Go to class, keep up with your assignments, 和 focus on maintaining a solid GPA.
    • 了解更多关于 不同的专业.
  4. 工作世界
    • 研究工作的世界, 包括资格, 工作职责, 市场趋势, 还有各种职业的工资, at 的 职业展望手册 O *网.
    • 加入 学生组织 让你建立联系, 发现利益, 技能, 和力量, 获得实践经验.
    • 请查看 人才招聘会往往会 on campus to see what businesses may have opportunities for 的 University of Mary students.
    • 访问 的 career resource library to learn more about 的 world of work, 包括资格, 就业市场趋势, 还有各种职业的工资.
  5. 现在提前
    • Begin to gain real-life experience valued by 雇主 through volunteer services, 校园工作, 兼职工作, 或者暑期工作经验.
    • 开始建立你的职业档案, 把你的高中简历转换成职业简历, 创建LinkedIn个人资料, 列出你的五大优势.
    • Take time to reflect on what you want to do 和 where you want to go.

The focus of 的 sophomore year is to select a major 和 develop tentative career goals.

  1. 做出职业选择
    • Revisit 的 Career Roadmap 和 your career counselor to evaluate your progress 和 discuss possible career paths that align with your 值 和 interests in your major. 
    • Decide on/declare a major 和 apply to be admitted to your major if necessary.
    • Meet with your academic advisor to confirm your degree plan 和 learn more about degree requirements for your major area.
    • 了解你专业的老师和高年级学生.
    • 继续保持较高的平均成绩.
    • 确定研究生院对你的职业生涯是否必要.
  2. 测试并加强你的选择
    • Attend 人才招聘会往往会 to gain awareness of companies/雇主 in your study area.
    • 开始研究实习, 学生教学, 和 clinical placement options while applying for related summer employment.
    • Gain relevant experience from 兼职工作 during 的 year or through volunteering.
    • Contact 的 任务 for Life on campus to learn more about service-learning or volunteer opportunities related to your field of study.
    • 继续参加学生组织, 俱乐部, 和 extracurricular activities to develop your 技能 和 leadership.
  3. 开始准备求职信函
    • 开始制作简历. Take a close look at 的 resume on 的 next page 和 use it as a model for your resume.
    • 参加由职业服务中心主办的简历写作研讨会.
    • 职业服务 can critique your resume or have it done by an employer at 的 Resumania event in 的 spring of each year.
    • 了解更多关于 的 importance of cover letters 和 begin preparing a draft.
    • Consider 的 process of creating a work-related portfolio 和 deciding on relevant content.

In 的 junior year, preparing yourself for entry into a specific career field is important.

  1. 研究生及专业学院
    • Begin to consider different schools 和 programs; learn about 的ir requirements 和 application processes.
    • Request a degree audit from 的 registrar to monitor your progress toward graduation.
  2. 工作世界
    • 研究职业领域, 包括行业, 雇主, 以及符合你兴趣的工作, 值, 和技能.
    • Conduct informational interviews to learn more about your field 和 create networking contacts.
    • 参加专业会议, 网络事件, 社交活动, or information sessions relevant to your career field to collect information 和 exp和 your professional network.
    • Attend fall 和 spring 人才招聘会往往会 to make contacts, network, 和 learn about job requirements.
    • 完成实习, 研究, or volunteer opportunities related to your career goals to gain valuable 技能 和 experiences.
  3. 职业服务
    • Market yourself effectively by updating your resume 和 tailoring it to your career field.
    • Sharpen your professional interview 技能 by participating in a mock interview.
    • Build a high-quality LinkedIn profile 和 establish additional professional contacts.

Throughout 的 senior year, actively engage yourself in 的 search for employment or admission 去读研.

  1. 研究生及专业学院
    • Develop a timeline to complete all necessary components of 的 application process.
    • 完成研究生院申请. 记得尽早申请, 寻找资金来源, 安排校园参观, 并做好所有必要的后续工作.
  2. 工作世界
    • 访问职业服务网站,了解更多关于求职时间表的信息.
    • Be flexible 和 realistic in your expectations for first-year employment (的 average job search can take up to six months).
    • Research 雇主 和 industries to assist you in 的 interview process.
    • Continue networking 和 develop your unique “elevator pitch” when meeting with professional contacts.
    • 制作名片,向潜在雇主推销自己.
    • Start purchasing professional clothing; attend a Suit-Up event.
    • Develop a list of professional references tailored to each position/employer.
    • 继续学习和获得技能,通过像 饲料.
  3. 职业服务
    • Refine 和 polish your resume; learn to write a dynamic cover letter.
    • Continue to perfect your interviewing 技能 by doing a mock interview as needed. 职业服务中心每学期提供模拟面试日.
    • Participate in career 和 internship fairs both locally 和 statewide.
    • Attend on-campus employer interviews or 社交活动 through 职业服务.
    • 列出一份潜在雇主名单,并开始积极申请.
    • Keep in contact with 职业服务 和 的 校友 Association; become involved with 的 Young Professionals Network.
    • Obtain salary information 和 learn how to negotiate job offers effectively.
    • 参加毕业后生活或大学后知识活动.
    • When you find a job, contact 职业服务 to notify 的m 和 complete a First Destination Survey.